June 10th Update


Dear parent community,

We wanted to share a quick update that our School Council Chairs have a meeting with Runnymede’s administration this evening.  We had a positive meeting with our Trustee, Debbie King on Friday, May 31st and we’re hoping that she will be in attendance this evening also. 

After years of a positive and collaborative working relationship, we feel that the recent events have harmed the Runnymede community. Our goal is to return to a process that is open to hear feedback, is consultative and underlines respectful engagement with our school community to ensure our students’ success.

On Friday, we shared the summary below of our objectives for the meeting:

1.⁠ ⁠Understanding HSA and SAC: we want to ensure that there is a shared understanding between the parents and TDSB/School administration on the roles and operations of HSAs and SACs, and how they can work together to support and enrich our school community, ultimately benefiting our students.  We have been relying on the legislation and guidelines to shape our approach. 

2.⁠ ⁠Collaborative Discussion: there is an opportunity to have an honest and contrastive conversation about how to reset the working relationship between the SAC and Runnymede administration.  We want to foster a supportive environment that promotes student success.

3.⁠ ⁠Transparency in Communication: it is our understanding that under the regulations, parent councils are able to view and provide input into the school’s staffing model and have an understanding on school financials.  

4.⁠ ⁠Clear Communication and Support: there has been a lot of concern raised about wrongdoing.  We feel it is important there be a clear communication affirming that this year’s Runnymede SAC has not engaged in any wrongdoing.  We believe that previous allegations were harmful and inappropriate, especially given our ongoing collaborative efforts aimed at supporting our students.

5.⁠ ⁠Financial Accountability: As a registered charity accountable to the CRA, we need details on how our funding has been spent. This information is essential to ensure that resources are being used effectively to enhance student experiences and success.

There was a note in the Runnymede Reminders that there will be a school council meeting in June – we will provide an update once we learn more.  We look forward to updating the community once we’ve had the opportunity to speak with the administration and Debbie Donsky.

Thanks for your ongoing support.


We’ve had a jam-packed year supporting key events like Nuit Orange, Illuminations, and senior music festivals and competitions, as well as running enrichment workshops, junk art competitions, and junior art gallery walks. Our ongoing support and commitment to the music, drama, dance, and visual arts department, have been bolstered by exciting new initiatives like Listen Up.

And we’re not done yet!

Here’s a quick recap of recent highlights:

OMFA Results are in!

Runnymede’s music department has made history at OMFA! The Wind Ensemble won 1st Place with a scholarship, and the Big Band clinched 3rd Place in their debut festival appearance. This is a huge milestone for our music department and our first-ever 1st place at OMFA. Placing 1st at OMFA is equivalent to being the best in all of Ontario, with only six bands from the Grade 8 & under category invited out of 44 regional festivals. Additionally, we’ve earned a scholarship, which will be put to great use in our band program. Huge congratulations to our hardworking students, dedicated teachers, and supportive families who made this achievement possible! 


We’re still buzzing from that magical night! Our students’ performances, after a year of hard work, were a delight for the entire community. Seeing hundreds and hundreds of proud, smiling faces made it all worth it. Bravo to Mr. O and all his incredible students!  Stay tuned for more amazing drone pictures and video!

And here’s what’s coming up:

Gallery Walks!

Join us for our final art gallery walk, showcasing the incredible art created by our kindergarten students in conjunction with their spring concert. Don’t miss it on June 13, in the breezeway!

Blank Canvases Workshops!

Senior students will explore urban street art with educators from Blank Canvases. Their vibrant creations will be showcased during graduation celebrations. Workshops are on June 14 & 18.

Prologue Performances!

Junior students will enjoy three assembly-style performances by Prologue artists: “Catch Me in the Kitchen,” “Fireside Munsch,” and “Njacko Backo!” These performances will bring accessible unforgettable arts experiences to our school. Performances are on June 14, 21, and 27.

Massive Thank You!

A big thank you to all the teachers, staff, administrators and volunteers who helped bring these school-wide arts initiatives to life! Special shoutouts to Mr. Kim, Mr. Medley, Mr. Ouellette and Mme. Sacrey-Butler for their amazing achievements and support for our students this year!

Stay tuned for more fun and creativity as we wrap up an unforgettable year!


Parent volunteers have organized a wonderful Staff Appreciation Lunch planned for June 14th and they would love your help!

Have an eye for design or a creative spark? Excellent!
We would love you to help us decorate the gym!

Want to get in a few steps and a mid-day workout?
We would love for your help in set-up and/or take-down!

Thank you very much to everybody who have already responded!
Please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B45ABA72DA6F8C25-49935169-runnymede

They are bringing in a catered lunch instead of requesting dishes this year – if you would like to contribute financially to the lunch, please reach out to:


Council is hosting a free FREEZIE FAREWELL on the SECOND last day of school!

Freezies will be handed out to all students free of charge! 

Please contact the office if you don’t wish your child to participate.



Joining one of the Runnymede School Advisory Council Committees is a great way to get involved, help out at the school, and make a difference in your child’s school experience! 

You can volunteer for just a one time activity, help to organize pizza lunch, make posters behind the scenes, come to help at Yard Day, lead an event like Movie Night, Pub Night or collect Cookie Dough orders, help with Math Amazing Race events, help set up at Nuit Orange or during Artist in the School, or you can even Chair a team or committee! 

You don’t need experience, just a willingness to help out. 

Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year! 

Let us know what you might be interested in helping out by contacting a specific committee directly or SIGN UP HERE


ALL summer camps and programs/sessions at: 


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