WEEKEND UPDATE – May 11th, 2024

Visual Arts Enrichment

Classroom Workshops & Gallery Walks

This spring, the Parent Council was thrilled to present over 24 in-class visual arts workshops tailored for Kindergarten to Grade 4 students. To celebrate their creativity, we invite families to enjoy their masterpieces during gallery walks in conjunction with their Spring concerts.

On the day of the concerts, be sure to visit the breezeway to immerse yourself in their talent!

Volunteers are needed for setup and teardown. Contact us at runnymedeart@gmail.com to lend a hand.

P.S. Exciting news: More workshops are scheduled for Grade 8 students in June! Yay!

Sneak peek of Mme Enrico’s Class’ work:

Can you organize the

Teacher Appreciation Lunch this year?

School council currently has reached out to all committees, and currently we have no volunteers who are able to take on the job of organizing the annual Teacher Appreciation Lunch.  This is a huge undertaking each year, and all committee volunteers are at full capacity and unable to Lead another event.

If you are willing and able to give your time to take on the task, please reach out! 
We would need to know by Friday if we are going ahead with the event this year.

Please reach out to RunnymedePS@gmail.com 


Joining one of the Runnymede School Council Committees is a great way to get involved, help out at the school, and make a difference in your child’s school experience! 

You can volunteer for just a one time activity, help to organize pizza lunch, make posters behind the scenes, come to help at Yard Day, lead an event like Movie Night, Pub Night or collect Cookie Dough orders, help with Math Amazing Race events, help set up at Nuit Orange or during Artist in the School, or you can even Chair a team or committee! 

You don’t need experience, just a willingness to help out. 
Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year! 

Let us know what you might be interested in helping out by contacting a specific committee directly or SIGN UP HERE


Save the Date for Illuminations

Thursday June 6

The senior students and teachers are pouring their hearts and souls into curating an unforgettable evening of arts and entertainment at our school.

It’s an event unlike any other, filled with beautiful performances and experiences.
Get ready for a showcase that the whole family will enjoy!

Mark your calendars because this is an occasion not to be missed, and the entire school community is invited to join in the celebration!

Grade 3/4 Concert will be outside on the field at 3:30pm
Grade 6-8 Jazz Band will be @ 5pm
6pm Illuminations BEGINS!

Runnymede Welcome Garden

Many of you will have seen the beautiful new flowers, plants and memorial plaque placed at the entrance of Runnymede to commemorate former Runnymede Principal, Bob Davidson and teacher Anna Heninger-Ochocinski. 
This was all made possible through a generous contribution from our very own Mme Kling.

Mr. Davidson hired many current and former Runnymede teachers including Mme Kling, Mme Bedard, Ms. Visconti, Mme Nitsis, Ms. Javor and Mr. Hallman-Chong.

Special thanks also go to the Admin & office staff for their assistance with selecting the stone,
Ryan Lockhart and the Green Team for helping to organize the project and for continuing to make the front garden look beautiful!

More plants to come, so keep your eyes peeled! 

Message from the Green Committee:

We spread a mountain of mulch on the trails, refreshed the Kindergarden, gave the amphitheatre area a new look to protect it from erosion, and installed 6 new planters into the yard to get ready for an exciting new project growing Three Sisters Gardens, of corn, bean and squash.

Volunteer families enjoyed refreshments, and children had fun planting worms, making bookmarks and doing a scavenger hunt around the garden.

Big thank you also to our wonderful school custodians and administration staff for helping us to organize this event, and a big shout to Mme Kling and Mr Lawrence for their ongoing support of our Yard Events. 



Parents’ night out!
Come to Runnymede parents PUB NIGHT for an evening of adult conversation, live entertainment, delicious snacks and a raffle with fabulous prizes. 

There are a limited # of tickets available so don’t wait!

*Cash Bar* We highly encourage everyone to walk/Uber/take public transit to the event, and a reminder to please drink responsibly.

Purchase your tickets here: 

If you are able to donate raffle prizes (gift cards, services, tickets, gift baskets, etc.), we would love to hear from you at runnymedespiritcommittee@gmail.com – thanks!


Join us on April 20th for Runnymede’s Spring Yard Day.  Each year our community gathers to get our school’s beloved Hillside Nature Garden in tip-top shape for outdoor learning. 

We need your help to spread mulch on the trails, collect litter, insulate new planters and then fill them with soil, sweep, and water plants and shrubs. No experience necessary. Feel free to bring your own gardening gloves, buckets, wheelbarrows, and shovels – we have lots available for use too. 

Fun, Fun, Fun! We will have arts & crafts, worm “planting”, kids’ book swap (bring your books and come home with new ones!) and a fun Spring scavenger Hunt.  

Coffee and hot chocolate will be provided and nut-free baking and store-bought snack donations are welcome.

Join us for half an hour, or the whole morning.  Whatever works for you and your family.  

Contact runnymedeyard@gmail.com if you have any questions.


Items will be donated in the next few weeks

Please ask your children to visit the Lost & Found (in the basement below the office), or stop by at drop-off, pick up time!

PARENT PUB NIGHT is on April 12th!


Parents’ night out! – Limited # of tickets available.

This is your official permission slip to swap bedtime stories for barstool banter and join Runnymede parents for a night of adult conversation, live entertainment, delicious snacks and a raffle with fabulous prizes. 

*Cash Bar* We highly encourage everyone to walk/Uber/take public transit to the event, and a reminder to please drink responsibly.

Purchase your tickets here: http://www.sagoto.com/rpsc/pubnight

If you have any raffle prizes to donate (gift cards, services, tickets, gift baskets, etc.), we would love to hear from you at runnymedespiritcommittee@gmail.com – thanks!

Minutes & responses from School Superintendent from January’s Runnymede Council meeting

The January School Council meeting included a Q&A period with our school superintendent, Debbie Donsky.  There were more questions than we were able to discuss and address at the meeting, and we have recently received a follow-up response.  We appreciate Debbie Donsky and all of the parents who were able to come for taking the time to attend.

Here are the original questions, the response from Deborah Zamin and Debbie Donsky, and the council meeting minutes from the January meeting.  

Original Questions:

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://runnymedecouncilblog.files.wordpress.com/2024/02/jan24councilmeetingquestions.pdf&quot; type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="<strong>Original Questions sent to Principal Zamin & Debbie DonskyOriginal Questions sent to Principal Zamin & Debbie DonskyDownload

Response document:

January Meeting Minutes:

Join us at the next School Council Meeting!

Check the Runnymede calendar for Council meeting dates
all are welcome to attend!
The next meeting is Monday, March 25th @7pm 

Please remember to visit the Council website for more information about Council committees, Fundraising, School Council NEWS, the Runnymede Calendar, and updates about Spirit events and ordering links http://www.runnymedecouncil.org

  Please contact runnymedeps@gmail.com with any further questions or concerns.